Friday, December 27, 2013
Bon Voyage 2013
I was fortunate to be invited to a potluck to watch the holiday "Parade of Lights" from a friend's marina this season. Creative me thought, 'How cool would it be to have a boat shaped spice cake for the event?' Come midnight the night before he was cool enough to frost so I thought that I would just slather a little cream cheese frosting (colored blue) for the water and lay in a bit of spot color for Christmas decorations but one thing led to another and come 4:30 am I had the cake completely decorated with Christmas lights dangling the side and gingerbread boy for a figure mass. Strangely when I saw the pictures from the parade they all turned out blurry... kinda looked like the frosting on my cake. Creativity... it's not just for the studio anymore so hence my last "project" of the year.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Abundant Harvest
sunflower study #9-oil |
It has been a "different" autumn as I have had a large loss in my life this past summer. I believe with the approach of winter it is far easier to match the mood of gloom with the greying weather. Yet my lifestyle doesn't have much allowance for depression so I medicate... heavily... with sunflowers. Here are a few more of the now dozen sunflower studies thus completed this autumn. If it weren't for running out of available fresh cut sunflowers, I could easily see a series of these.-G.A. with another study on the easel as I post.
Sunflower study #10-oil |
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Small Works Sale Sets Sail at the GH Boatshop Nov. 15th
"Sailing the Jolly Santa" 4x5 inks on paper |
Friday, October 18, 2013
Tricks or treat?
What would an artist's workplace be without a little sense of humor? If you don't see much work being posted I'm blaming the mascot. You see this time of year keeps me so busy that I find my muse has her hands tied... err- something like that. Some call it trick or treat but while 3 of my shows close at the end of October another will open in mid November. Treat yourself to a little shopping in the harbor.... before the other holidays- last show of the year!!!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
I spy...coast to coast
Coffee drive through lighthouse Washington |
So I was heading towards deception pass from La Connor (out in the tulip capitol farmlands of Skaggit county) when I came across this corner coffee drive through at a light between farmer John's 50 acres and brother Jim's 100 or so acres. It was the only light for miles and perhaps the last stop for gas until you hit the small town. Apparently filling up the car's tank isn't the only octane those country folks stop for.
Car Wash Lighthouse in Florida |
I believe this is the most comical non lighthouse I have ever found. While seeking out a Starbucks in Florida my GPS took me to a home depot... never could trust those navigators and their "recalculating". I asked some pedestrian's if they could guide me accordingly to which they guided me through the strip mall and low and behold... I found a lighthouse! Eventually I made it to Starbucks but as I always say, "Sometimes it's not the destination that matters so much as it is the journey getting there.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
I spy... with my big fresnel lens
Fresnel lens housed in
Muckelteo's Lighthouse.
Time Capsule Lighthouse Gig Harbor |
This is the said time capsule at the mouth of Gig Harbor... all 15 feet high of the lil guy. Yes he does have a little red flashing light on top. In order to raise money for him folks bought capsules in 1988 to locked away stuff that would be reopened in 25 years. I think since the lighthouse was dedicated in '89 then the capsules should be revealed next year.
I have painted this lighthouse 6 times and 3 of them have sold thus far. As small as the little guy is, it is quite the sight with Mount Ranier standing tall behind him.
Friday, October 11, 2013
If at first you don't succeed, shine, shine again!
Chinese lantern study 6x8 oil on canvas |
Inspired by a new addition to my organic model choices, I was gifted a Chinese Lantern plant of which I was wowed by the color of the fully bloomed plant. After 3 days of awe, I decided to take a break from my sunflowers and try a portrait of the brightly colored plant. My colors weren't quite in the pocket but I decided an orange glaze (after the study dried) would put me in the ballpark for representation. Then I got to thinking...
Chinese lantern study#2 11x14 oil on linen |
...What about that new collection of color choices on my list for my workshop next week? It had a cadmium orange that I was sure with a little cad yellow lemon might just do the trick. So I experimented around with this new palette of what I would call more warmer colors in order to acquaint myself with the new collection before the workshop. Though dramatically different studies, I did get closer to desired color without having to glaze.- G.A. shining on.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Sunny days with sunflowers
In defiance of my missing "sunflower season" I have taken to brightening my days with cut flowers. When I went all around town I could not find a sunflower to save my life. After 3 strikes I found a flourist who tells me, "Oh yes, we have sunflowers. It's the flower of the month." It was like christmas and I was strangly giddy to have found the little guy... so I painted him twice.
Then the florist called as they got a new shipment. I was hoping for the mammoths (I don't think they ever get those) so I stopped by. Sadly they had the same yellow petals with green center sunflowers so I went to another grocery store to my surprise they had two bunches of yellow petals with dark brow centers. This bunch of 5 models costing $1 more then my single florist specimen. They said that they got shipments in weekly but were clueless as to what would be shipped variety wise. I took one of my new models for a paint session on Fox Island and found his dark center right at home with the dramatic light coming in through the old windows of the schoolhouse... alla prima in 2 hours for that model.
Sunflower study#1 |
Ponce De Leon Lighthouse study
Interior stairwell of Lighthouse |
The inside of the lighthouse was like a nautilus shell. How ironic I thought considering the oceanic tie/tides...
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Summer Art Festival 2013
Spare Thyme serenades the artists... and a few dancers. |
Comedy mask sketch... tragedy flew away. |
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Saltwater State Park
Saltwater State Park 9x12 oil on canvas |
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Manchester State Park
Weapons storage- Manchester State park |
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Neither wind or cold, nor the scorch of light...
oil study Bay view state park 9x12 |
...the mail carriers aren't the only devoted souls with a creed! Despite the interstate bridge collapsing into the river less than a week before the event, dozens of us plein air artists descended upon Skaggit county for our paint out. Bay view and Deception State Parks rivaled the cute picturesque town of La Connor for my attention. Painting from 8 am until 9 pm the first day brought brief watercolor sketches and 2 oil studies. The second day yielded a less productive schedule of only one panel between packing and pacing for the long drive home.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Nothing but green
While painting Dosewallip State Park this weekend a fellow artist asked "Well, how'd it go out there?" when I returned from the morning session. I looked at him exhausted and replied, "Nothing but green!" Twas an overcast day in the park but after driving 90 minutes I was determined to put paint to panel. The river looked blotto with the white sky (and perhaps a little threatening for some rain) so I took the wooded path. Being on the outskirts of the Olympic National Park forest, you can imagine the green and worse the cloudiness saturates the color while lessening the contrast especially under a canopy of trees. Challenged but determined I found an unusual root remaining renewal of a tree among all it's mossy friends; I see glazing in my future! Needless to say the 2nd session that day was along the river.- G.A. challenging myself to discover new ways to mix green.
Dosewallips State Park- morning session |
Sneaky little studies
master gardener stuff- 6x8 oil study |
I found a tiny turp bucket, sawed off the handles of small paint brushes, rigged a paint carry container within the ponchade and am using nice quality 6x8 loose canvas (like sheets of paper) taped to a lightweight rigid substrate. Bingo- I'm back in business! While I do still bring a tripod and bolt the box to stand while painting, this system does have a thumb hole where I may be able to work without a tripod. Furthermore the canvas sheets are maybe $1 for 3 sheets of that size opposed to $6-7 a panel for the 9x12 ampersand gessoboard of which I stopped buying last year when they passed $5. While last year my goal was to have the 9x12 plein air panel be the finished product, this year half of what I work on site are color sketch/references for possible bigger paintings in the future.
While I am still using the 9x12 gessoboards for the events and client work or distant painting sessions (where I will probably only get one chance to go there and paint), I began this year's plein air season with my local group on the little format and actually got a nice little study. -G.A. painting more and paying less.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Maritime Month Exhibition in Gig Harbor
June 1st-30th
Gig Harbor BoatShop Eddon Boatyard 3805 Harborview Drive
Summer 2012 plein air Eddon Dock. |
Gig Harbor BoatShop Eddon Boatyard 3805 Harborview Drive
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
(253) 857-9344
Hours:Tuesday through Sunday
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Paintings go on display the day of the parade in Gig Harbor so stop in and support your local business... it's always a party! G.A.- off painting "beyond the river's bridge" (what's left of it) in Skagit county.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Stalker spirdies of awe
Eagle of garden tour |
This year was no different as I was destined to do a plein air study of Admiralty Lighthouse on Whitbey Island. Only problem, there were 30-50 mph winds but the eagles didn't seem to mind. First the pair of eagles (parent and juvenile) soared right over the top of the lighthouse spire, then they circled... just to be sure I was paying attention before coming and casting a shadow (in a cloudless sky) just long enough to have me look up. When I did stare in awe, they split formation. The juvenile lowered to maybe 10-15 feet above my head and slightly in front (I could see its eyes looking down toward me) and hovered (remember this is 30 mph constant winds gusting up to 50 mph- tail winds for the birds) while the adult rose straight up 35-40 feet or more like a balloon- of course it was so unbelievable I was reaching for a camera! This juvenile hovered above for well over a minute communicating its message beginning with "Put the camera away! That is not while I've come." When it was done it looked out to the ocean, back at me and rose up and out backwards fast, like an F-14 jet, to join the other eagle who had not broken formation.
plein air garden tour site |
Okay birthday eagle, I was grateful for the visit, but then the next time I went to paint plein air (fox island garden tour- artist in the garden) at somebody's private estate 2 weeks later it happened again only this eagle was an adult. It waits until there is NOBODY viewing the back portion of the estate (we had over 150 people pass through in under 5 hours) and the other artist who was working there had gone inside the house for a minute. Here comes this eagle. perches at the top of the evergreen (maybe 25 feet away) that is right over my scene and commences to chattering away at me with a watchful eye. It chattered a few moments then waited in response but I guess the adults are harder for me to understand because I wasn't "getting the message" that the juveniles seem to deliver to me so easily. So it went back to chattering and I pawned it off to spirdie speak among its environment... not every eagle is bringing messages right? So for the person I shared the birthday story with, I pulled out the camera and took pictures which soon sent the adult indignantly on its way. Perhaps fifteen minutes later the eagle returned with reinforcements- 2 other eagles, a juvenile and another adult. They circled a few times, wowed the crowds and went along their merry way.
I once was told something to the effect of... if you are told once- listen, twice the same- pay closer attention but if the same thing is told to you 3 times- it may be true. So I am out at a lighthouse hundreds of miles from any of the other recent eagle encounters but it is a friend of mine's birthday so while she is enjoying the north shore of the ocean, I convince her to take her time while I check on the lighting of the lighthouse because if I can't be painting perhaps I can observe the color phenomena that I am watching change on this building... thinking how I would paint it. When I walk back to rejoin her, a pair of eagle come soaring over the hill and down the path right at me face on less than 3 feet from the ground. I was so in shock at their proximity to both me and the ground as they were closing in that I begin to pull my dog on a leash closer, ready to pick her up in case they are hunting. This doesn't alter their coarse as now I can see the yellow beaks staggered in formation so I shout to my friend (finally able to get a word out), "Eagles up the path!!! Eagles!!!" to which they come maybe 15 feet from where she is sitting, turn their heads to notice her movement glare back at me and lift and and bank a hard right altering coarse less than 20 feet from where I stood, again like fighter jets. I didn't insult them with the camera (it happened way too fast) but the message was clear and for the 3rd time that month... I was in awe!Busy Work
Inkwell#1tech. reference-pen&ink |
I came upon a story about an artist who was hired to do a piece for a well paying client. The client waited and waited never hearing from the artist about his piece but thought to himself, 'Oh this must be some great work!' Finally the artist called the client and told him to come pick up the landscape. When he got there the client was led into solitary room where the artist set down a fresh piece of paper, dipped her brush and within moments made the most incredible piece and finished saying, "I hope you enjoy the piece.". The client became indignant with the artist and protested, "First you put me off indefinitely, then you expect me to pay you all this money for something you could have done in 5 minutes?!? You must have little respect for your clients or their intentions!" The artist sighed deeply, walked across the room, slides open a larger door to a room three times larger with stacks upon stacks of the same landscape she had perfected unmercifully since his request.
Inkwell#1tech reference details- pen& ink |
So it is with the artist and I am no different. I host "honest efforts" of fault in the process... a study of life observations collected in books or on panels. This month the focus alternates between illustration, technical drawing and plein air work. Although my room may only have a few hundred
attempts, the hours upon hours of effort have not witnessed idle hands. - G.A. reinstilling callouses and other malformities of repetitive practices.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
NORTH... (not) to Alaska
The end of the month found me working en plein air in Coupville. While attempting a paint study of Admiralty Lighthouse, I battling 30-50mph winds from the concrete bunker of Fort Casey, enduring the tray toss, the turpentine tump and repeated assaults of grass from the lawnmower dude. 3/4ths of the way into some sort of completion here comes "get the job done Gus" cutting the grass with his industrial sized paint texturizer. After the 3rd pass (less than 2 feet at eye level) I had more grass in the paint then there was paint on the panel; won't have to concern myself with color match on the grass, I have a physical reference! I retired the efforts in favor of having my lighthouse passbook stamped and looking for a new pair of lighthouse socks... what I wear when I plein air these sentries- like good luck.
When I left the lighthouse, there sat the grassy assailant, a good distance away, on his lawn mower with the power off. I did visually/mentally brand him with pity for the ignorance (or lack of respect) for ruining a 2 hour effort of challenging patience. Instead as I walked across the vast area of grass (between the lighthouse and where I was set up) I couldn't help but wonder why none of that longer grass had not been touched, after all, nobody walks where I was working along the roof of the underground bunkers. -G.A. on to greener (and possibly previously mowed) pastures.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
On the road again
So it begins... my Plein Air Season in Des Moines! It was a grey, cold misty morning when I arrived to the site where my new group gathered. They were troopers of intent to paint the landscape of Saltwater state park but while most of the members were on the beach I found the hardy leader, Sylvia, painting the creek.
I set up gear when struck by an intriguing composition. With the skies grey I had little change in the lighting. Unfortunately the rain moved in and my proceeding land masses, stacked in the distance, began to disappear. By the time the rain came to shore I had the composition and basic color notes so fudged in the boulders and foreground before my ponche box began to hold water.
This year in my efforts, it is my desire to attempt to use the direct pieces done en plein air as sketches for "studio work" that I may or may not finish back on site. As seen in this study I am changing the composition slightly while pushing the underpainting towards a tonal yet complementary warm/cool study. Whether I add spot color for the greens will depend upon what a few sessions creates. G.A.- plein air fever broken.
From direct painting to studio study |
Friday, April 5, 2013
Gypsy Artist: April= party time!!!
Places/Events where my art will be showing and on sale:
April 2nd-May 31st
The Hub (Harmon Brewing Company)
Tacoma: Stadium District
Opening party TBA
April 6th
Spring Fling
Key Penensula Civic Center
Party Saterday 7-10
April 12th
Chair Affair
NSFB Tacoma: between Freighthouse Square and Museum District
Party Friday 7-?
April 2nd-May 31st
The Hub (Harmon Brewing Company)
Tacoma: Stadium District
Opening party TBA
April 6th
Spring Fling
Key Penensula Civic Center
Party Saterday 7-10
April 12th
Chair Affair
NSFB Tacoma: between Freighthouse Square and Museum District
Party Friday 7-?
Friday, March 22, 2013
3D challenges March onward
"Copper Owl" 12"x7" paint on copper |
Saturday, March 9, 2013
An Affair to Remember
Greetings art enthusiasts! I invite you to attend the 2013 Chair Affair Friday, April 12th at Northwest Furniture Bank in Tacoma for the unveiling of my newest creation, "the Retro Rocker". It will be an evening of fun and folly starting at 6 pm to view 30 artfully transformed chairs from local artists to auction off throughout the evening. Tickets are on sale for which you can go to for more information. G.A.- rocker from way back.
"Retro Rocker" 45 Lable |
Friday, March 1, 2013
Exhibition Opens March 4th
Inkwell #1- 9.75 x 13.5" graphite/charcoal/ink |
The original idea was to frame the four as one but there was some damage to the surface when removing the tape separating the images. Come to the Fox Island Artists Group Exhibition at the Kimball (show opens March 4th) and see which one is chosen. In addition to a new painting I'm only exhibiting once, I will be joined by half a dozen other talented artists I work with on a weekly basis.- G.A. really enjoying the drawing after doing sculptural work (this month and last) for upcoming engagements.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Meanwhile, in the real world...
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
What the -?
Lily2 on collage mixed media 4x5.5 |
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Away from my desk...
...but still in the studio.
Carp and cougar 5.5" x 4" mixed media on yupo |
In celebration of finishing a body of work and exhibiting the paintings, I thought I would take a week off (kinda) because I've been pushing since April of last year. Most people go on vacation to exotic destinations but my adventure was in the studio. I spent a week reading (art books), sketching (for the joy and discovery), and playing abstract-ish artist. Here are 2 of the 32 small studies I made in the last week. G.A. having fun and sending postcards...from the edge of abstraction.
The Queen's Post 4" x 5.5" mixed media on yupo |
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
But wait... there's more
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